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This website was completed as a project for a History of Rock & Roll class by Alana George, Nancy Belle Hansford, Emma Rasmussen and Rose Wall from Berry College, and we completed this project in October 2020.


We came together as a group of music festival lovers with the intent to research the impact of the biggest festivals in different areas, mainly economic impact, as seen throughout the site. We recognized the influence that music festivals have on modern society and popular culture as a whole and we were curious as to why this was the case, which is why we set out to research the four biggest festivals in the US: Coachella, Bonnaroo, Lollapalooza and Firefly. We each did our own research for each festival discussed, and we each contributed to the overall site in different areas. Alana George researched the Firefly Festival and contributed to the writing of this section. Nancy Belle Hansford researched Coachella and wrote the text for the Home page. Emma Rasmussen researched Bonnaroo and contributed to the writing of this page. Rose Wall researched Lollapalooza, designed the website, and created the Festivals Map.

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